Streaming-Connected TV Advertising Services
What is Connected TV and Streaming TV Advertising?

Streaming-Connected TV advertising is the digital distribution of television content, such as TV shows, sports, movies, or live events as a streaming media. These contents are delivered over the Internet to the audience on their smart TV, Tablet, Smart Phone or Computer.
Streaming TV advertising stands in contrast to dedicated terrestrial television. This type of television is delivered by over-the-air aerial systems, cable or satellite television systems as well as over the airwaves broadcast TV. Advertising via streaming and connected TV (CTV), allows brands to more specific audiences and position themselves via the Internet, the rising channel for media consumption.
Why Choose Streaming-Connected TV Advertising?
Streaming TV offers the ability to send Ad content to a specific targeted demographic, location(s), male-female, age, education, or income and is easily measured to review results. The NMS Streaming platform is based on a cost per spot basis and can reach 350,000,000+ Million viewers on multiple streaming platforms.
Benefits of CTV Advertising

Advertise Instantly
The NMS Streaming platform allows you to set your campaign and begin appearing on platforms immediately. You will instantly reach your audience and position your brand.
Precise Audience Targeting
With Streaming TV advertising, you can target precise audiences. Pick your audience based on demographics, location, interests, needs, and more.
Measure Success
Streaming-Connected TV advertising services by NMS also allows for more precise data measuring. Receive accurate data to measure your campaign’s success and make timely changes.
Endless Audience Targeting Possibilities

The NMS Streaming TV advertising platform allows brands to choose from a myriad of targeting options in order to reach more precise audiences than traditional TV. Through the NMS Streaming platform, you can create advertising campaigns based on the combined criteria of:
Audience Demographic
Target your audience based on factors such as:
- Age
- Gender
- Nationality
- Religion
- Ethnic Background
- Occupation
- Education
With the NMS Streaming platform, you can reach audiences in very specific locations. You can target states, counties, cities, and more.
Do they enjoy drama shows or political analysis programs? You can target your audience based on very specific interests and needs.
Reach Your Audience on Streaming Platforms
From Hulu to Apple TV, working with NMS advertising services allows you reach your specific target audience on a variety of streaming platforms including:

Take Advantage of Audience Channels
NMS works with a variety of channels where you can position your brand. From news channels to sports, their audience channel options include:

Streaming-Connected TV Resources
Is Netflix considered connected TV (CTV)?
Technically, no. CTV are devices connected to TVs that allow users to access streaming content. On the other hand, Netflix is a streaming platform that’s available in many TV-connected devices (CTV) but it is not CTV itself.
Can you advertise on streaming TV?
Yes, many streaming platforms offer ad-supported streaming plans that are less expensive than no ad plans. These ads can show before or during the streaming content and may or may not be “skippable”. With Streaming TV advertising, brands can position themselves on streaming platforms and ensure they reach very precisely targeted audiences.
How effective are streaming ads?
Streaming platforms have been surpassing cable and satellite television viewers for years. Moreover, it allows for more accurate audience targeting. A higher audience number and being able to reach your specific audience ensures better-performing campaigns.
Need an Ad for Streaming Platforms?

NMS offers full-service digital advertising on streaming platforms that include production services. NMS helps you develop a CTV ad that surpasses your expectations and gets you the best results. Their production services include:
- Concept development
- Scripting
- Video production
- Photography
- Voice overs
- Music
- Actors
- Celebrity Talent
Ensure your advertising campaign on CTV devices and streaming services is a success with a powerful commercial. Contact NMS today for comprehensive Streaming-Connected TV advertising.
Get In Touch With NMS
For more information anout Streaming-Connected TV, please contact NMS or your National Consultant.
Contact NMS & speak to an expert National Consultant: or 888-579-8088.
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